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Discover how InvestorKit helps investors profitably scale their property portfolio to new heights

If you’re like most people interested in property investing, you’ve probably heard all kinds of crazy promises before. However, you can’t argue with results and how we’ve been able to help our clients reach their financial goals. Listen to some of their amazing stories...

Investing Excellence: 9 Properties, A 6-Figure Passive Income and over $1M in Gained equity

Are you a successful business owner or high income earning professional looking to build a bullet proof, high performance property portfolio, in a short time frame? If yes, this video is for you.
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From a DIY Lemon to Profitable Property Portfolio

Ani moved away from DIY investing and we’ve now had the pleasure to work with Ani for multiple years to create a profitable and scalable portfolio. Entering multiple markets at ideal times, Ani now has a total of 5 investment properties across 3x states, hear from him in this video.
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Former Olympian on Scaling his Property Portfolio

Hear from Hayder and his journey with the InvestorKit team. He picked up 2x properties with us in a few months and generated hundreds of thousands in equity. More importantly, Hayder now has a clear strategy and methodology to continue scaling and achieving his investing goals.
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The Power of Holistic Financial Planning

Well In this video, we do just that, and speak to a financial planner about his journey of working closely with our buyers agency, InvestorKit. Andrew Debono from Peak Wealth Management is a holistic financial planner who genuinely sees and values the importance of real estate investing in his client’s portfolios.
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Scaling from 1 to 5 properties in 2.5 years

We made purchases across Adelaide, Bendigo and Brisbane generating $100,000's of equity gain, multiple streams of income, and catapulting her portfolio growth helping her get closer to her long term investing goals.
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Scaling A Portfolio To 5x Purchases Across 3 States In Two Years

Daniel connected with the InvestorKit Buyers Agency team, and began the process to achieve his investing goals, irrespective of the times. Hear from Daniel about his journey to date.
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Lawyer in his 20’s goes from 0-3 properties in 3 years

We are in times where more than ever people want to find a way to bring down someone’s investing achievements. Looking for ways to find the help they received, or why someone else did something they haven’t. If that’s not you, you’ll thoroughly enjoy this story. If that is you, try all you want because you’ll find nothing here! Why?… Well Nafiz (aka Dru) is a self made example of investing success.
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Tightening Your Buying Window, Scaling to $5m Across 7 Properties

In this video Joe and Gianna share tips for investors on speeding up an acquisition journey, and more.
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