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0 to 3 Off-Market Investments in 2 Years | Tips for Scaling a Portfolio

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In this week’s portfolio case study, Cam shares more on his journey with the InvestorKit team, tips for aspiring investors on scaling a portfolio and more. 3 investments in two years is already a special achievement. However, in Cameron’s case, it was also that his 3x real estate purchases were all off-market investment properties across 3x cities. Diversifying his portfolio in markets early on in their growth cycles made the journey even more special. Capital growth and unlocking equity from the gains of the first property created the deposit + purchase cost funds for the second. Results of the second alongside continued growth from the first allowed for equity to again be used for the third.

Outperformance in the earlier parts of your investing journey by working with a data-driven buyers agency is important as it creates a leapfrog effect for further investments. Top it off with a solid savings plan, and you can keep your savings in offset to create the ultimate buffer and protect your wealth as you grow it.

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high yield properties.

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