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20 Regions Where Rents Will Continue Surging in 2023

20 Regions Where Rents Will Continue Surging in 2023

Australia has witnessed a nationwide rental crisis over the past 3 years as the national average vacancy rate dropped to 1.0% in late 2022, and again in Jan 2023, the lowest point since 2006. A slight uptick occurred In the first half of 2023, but it only brought the figure up by 0.2%.

In the 12 months to Jun 2023, the 8 greater capital cities combined have scored an 11.5% rental growth; Whilst many regional cities are growing slower than last year, the rest are still thriving, with some achieving as high as 25% annual rental growth.

In this month’s whitepaper, the InvestorKit research team presents 5 Greater Capital Cities and 15 regions where there are clear signs that the rents will continue to surge by a total of $2,600 to $3,900 per region in the coming 12 to 24 months.

For each of the regions, we go through their rental demand & supply indicators, long-term and short-term market pressure, and rental price trends. We hope you enjoy the read.To get to know these regions, click the button below!

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Get key insights into property from this whitepaper:

  • Short-term and long-term rental market trends of 5 greater capital cities and 15 regional cities across Australia
  • Changing patterns of Australia’s rental crisis
  • Causing factors of the new trends

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